With Google working as it works today, exact match domains can be a great contribution to your overall ranking efforts. But have you ever tried registering a domain with your selected keywords exactly as they are? Hell, it is difficult. At least, if you don’t have a proper system in place.
While on their own, exact match domains (EMDs) may not be enough to rank on page 1, with just little backlinking they often rise to the top very quickly for their specific keywords.
But it is so difficult to find EMDs manually because so many are already taken that many people simply give up. You need tools which can work in batches, both for generating keywords and testing domains availability.
Finding exact match domains – a foolproof method
It is actually a very simple process and requires no special paid tools at all. Let’s break it down into steps:
1. Generate a keyword list
Market Samurai is a convenient tool to generate a list of keywords for possible exact match domains.
You can use any tool you fancy. The more relevant keywords it can return, the better for you. Just keep in mind that EMDs are a powerful way to rank that specific phrase they contain. If you register bluesmoothwidgets.com, you get a better chance to rank for “blue smooth widgets”, not for “pink smooth widgets”.
What that means is that you should be looking for keywords with decent level of traffic to make this worthwhile. If you’re using Google Keyword Tool, I would say that 1000 local searches (US) per month in exact match mode is the lowest volume worth considering.
I usually work with Market Samurai which is based on Google Keyword Tool. As it reports daily volume, not monthly, I will go for something about 35 searches per day, exact match. Please watch the video to see exactly how I filter the results. Basically, after you generate keywords and switch to the “Analyze Keywords” screen, you just have to enable “Total Searches” and put 35 into the “min” field.
When your list is ready, export it to a CSV file which you can open in Excel. With data split into their own columns, select just the keywords. If there are less than 500, select all. If there are more, you have to select them in batches of 500. Copy your list to the clipboard. Now it’s time to move to step no. 2.
2. Batch test domain availability
I’ve discovered that the batch domain registration tool offered by GoDaddy is extremely convenient for a number of reasons.
- You can test up to 500 keywords / phrases in a single run (to compare, NameCheap allows only up to 100, effectively increasing your workload 5 times).
- You don’t have to worry about removing white space from your phrases. That means that you can paste “blue smooth widgets” into the tool, and it will automatically convert it into “bluesmoothwidgets” and test with various extensions.
- It works reliably for thousands of keywords. Even though eventually it may start displaying captchas, it is still match better than NameCheap’s tool which simply stops returning results with a message stating “Possible abuse”.
Find domains with GoDaddy bulk tool
GoDaddy offers a convenient tool where you can test up to 500 keywords for possible exact match domains.
What you have to do now, is to go to GoDaddy. If you don’t have an account yet, please set up – it’s free.
Log in to you account, click on “Domains” in the top menu and after it expands, on “Bulk Domain Name Registration”.
You will see a window where you can paste all your keywords and phrases which you copied in step one.
Remember to check the extensions on the right-hand sidebar that you want to test. I almost always go for one of the three: com, org or net. I don’t buy info domains, unless I want to add them to a network of low-level feeder sites.
When you’re ready, click the large “Go” button and wait just a few seconds.
You will be presented with a list of domains which are unavailable (many of them), but below, you will find your golden nuggets – exact match domains which you can still register.
Just review the list and pick the ones which seem attractive to you. Try to find the ones which will potentially get the most traffic, but also the ones which you can build a decent website around.
There’s more to selecting the best exact-match domains when you find them, but I will dedicate a separate article to this issue.
Now, go hunting and find some great exact match domains for yourself!