10 Interesting Tips Maybe You Don’t Know (Part 1)

As you know Youtube is the biggest global video-sharing in the world nowadays, but maybe you don’t know some functions of it.

1. How To Download Video From Youtube Quickly Without Lose Quality?

There are many ways to download video from Youtube but I think this is the best.

You copy URL of the video you want =>  Go to Savefrom.net => Paste this URL => Enter => Choose the best quality => Click Download button.

5 interesting tip youtube

3. Repeat Video Youtube Automatically:

Youtube doesn’t have this function but you can visit Youtuberepeater.com to do it.

4. Control Youtube By Your Fingers!

That’s mean you use your keyboard to control the video you are watching

SPACE: Stop/Play

ARROW LEFT/RIGHT: Turn Back or Go Foward

NUMBER BUTTON: For example, If you press 1 – you go to 10% , press 5 – you to go half of video. As a result, you press 0 – you turn to the beginning.

HOME/END: Turn to the beginning and the end of video.

4. Watch video at the time you want

If you want to the scene at minute 0:59s, just add #t=59 to the end of video’s URL. For example: http://youtube.com/worthreview ==> http://youtube.com/worthreview#t=59

5. Watch TV on Youtube

That’s is one of the best interesting function at Youtube. You go to: https://youtube.com/TV => the template’s Youtube automatically change to TV. Using 4 Arrow button to control your “new TV”.

-To Be Continue…







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