- 1 Instant Spokesperson – Get Your Hands On The #1 Video Marketing Strategy. That Is Responsible For Stuffing Thousands Of Dollars Into The Pockets Of Offline Marketers
- 2 Instant Spokesperson 4 Review – Overview
- 3 So, What Does This Mean For YOU?
- 4 What is Instant Spokesperson?
- 5 Here Is What You get
- 6 You Also Get..
- 8 Why Do You NEED To Get Your Hands On These Videos?
Instant Spokesperson – Get Your Hands On The #1 Video Marketing Strategy. That Is Responsible For Stuffing Thousands Of Dollars Into The Pockets Of Offline Marketers
Instant Spokesperson 4 Review – Overview
- Vendor: Ray Lane
- Product: Instant Spokesperson 4
- Front-End Price: $14.95
- Official Sales Page: CLICK HERE
- Niche: Graphic
- Refund: 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
- Support: Effective Response
- Skill Level Needed: All Levels
- Recommend: Highly Recommend
Today, I’m here to bring to the table something that will indeed change the way that offline marketers do business, forever.
First off, I’m not sure what all the ruckus is about regarding owning an offline or online business, but they both require the same criteria to be profitable.
However, the internet does have a leg up on both leverage, and the ability to go viral. This puts many offline businesses at a disadvantage because they simply don’t know to utilize these, two things to make progress.
You see, offline businesses struggle tremendously in their efforts to generate leads and sales using online methods. Their marketing consultants tell them that video marketing is the solution. Only problem is that quality, profit-pulling videos are extremely difficult to produce.
So, What Does This Mean For YOU?
Put two and two together and you can see that this is the perfect situation for you to cash in BIG.
You simply are meeting a very, high demand from offline businesses.
Let me ask you a question….. Knowing the “weakness” that I just revealed to you regarding offline businesses…
How many business would you hit to cash in as their video marketing consultant?!?
If I were you, I’d be making the rounds and writing my own paycheck In fact, hundreds of marketers are already raking in the cash…
Their secret is that they already have pre-made videos with professional actors and scripts that are PROVEN to drive up the leads and sales that uses it in it’s promotions.
It’s not cheating, it’s simply working smarter and with that, allow me to pull back the curtain… Instant Spokesperson
What is Instant Spokesperson?
Instant Spokesperson consists of a complete, set of pre-made, local niche-market videos that marketers can utilize to bring in more sales to their offline, video marketing businesses. |
Here Is What You get
- Videos That are all set and ready boost the leads and sales of any client that you sell them to…
- Videos that are selling the HOTTEST niches regarding your local businesses…
- Professional actors…
- Professional graphics…
- Professional branding…
- Video scripts that are psychologically proven to convert….
- And much more…
- Why Do You NEED To Get Your Hands On These Videos?
- If you have even the slightest bit of experience in video marketing, you should see the power of ISPE, but we’ll reinforce it.
- Most offline marketers actually make videos to sell to their clients.
- With ISPE, they are already made and to add to that, they are PROVEN to convert for your particular client’s business.
- Professional actors, and professionally designed scripts that are psychologically proven to generate leads and sales.
- Plus….

You Also Get..
You will get access to training on modifying the videos, as well as some offline strategies for selling them, and some special training on YouTube marketing!
Social Media Graphics
You get a set of social graphics to go along with the videos! You can use these templates to make YT Channel, Facebook, Twitter & G+ Graphics!
Royalty Free Music
Each video comes ready to go with music, and with a version that has no music. They have included some extra music tracks, so you can get creative
Video Graphics
One thing they highly recommend is customizing the videos, so they’re including some buttons and animations you can use to make the videos even more unique!
Get Social
You will get access to a special Facebook Mastermind group, where you can share ideas, ask questions, make requests for future videos, etc.
Along with changing the music, you may want to change the background behind the presenter, or add an endscreen to the videos, so they’ve added some HD backgrounds and other video goodies.
Demo Video : Don’t settle for the small video! Click the fullscreen button and Watch in HD
Plus a bonus video to help you sell the others video!

Why Do You NEED To Get Your Hands On These Videos?
If you have even the slightest bit of experience in video marketing, you should see the power of ISPE, but we’ll reinforce it. Most offline marketers actually make videos to sell to their clients.
With ISPE, you are already made and to add to that, they are PROVEN to convert for your particular client’s business. Professional actors, and professionally designed scripts that are psychologically proven to generate leads and sales.
You Can Easily Sell These Videos To Local Businesses For $300 – $1,000 A Pop!
More than anything, ISPE allows you to get paid FAT checks for very little to minimal effort invested on your behalf.
If this is your cup of tea, then without a doubt, ISPE is for you!!! And speaking of investment, they’re not looking for an arm and a leg.
Sure, the total value IS HUGE, but putting cash in YOUR pockets is our top priority and with that…
You Can Get Your Hands On Instant Spokesperson Essentials For A Tiny, One-Time Investment of JUST $17!
This is a no-brainer offer, buy you MUST take action!!!
By now, it should be a given that results don’t just fall out of the sky and hit us on the head – They are created.
Quite frankly, we don’t bother to waste our time on those who aren’t serious and could care less about taking action within their business.
If this fits your description, with all due respect, ISPE is NOT for you and we don’t want your business.
On the other hand, if you consider yourself a go-getter who is looking to really rake in those BIG profits from your video marketing business, then we invite you to hit the button below and buy.
Get Instant Access Instant Spokesperson 4 Early Bird Discount Now
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Special Bonuses for the Worth Review Audience: You’ll get all the bonuses listed on the Salespage, but I’m going to give you guys a SPECIAL bonus as well. If you Download Instant Spokesperson 4 via any link on this page you’ll also get my bonus package $60,000 Value. Believe me, my bonus package will save you time, money and make your life a little easier !