In this day and age, the development of technology has undoubtedly given us a helping hand in making money. In fact, there are tons of people who choose to make use of the Internet to earn a stable source of income. Because of the constant development of the Internet that benefits them much, they consider this as the best place to earn money effortlessly.
Well, the cyberspace with its social media system can enable a business to establish a solid Internet marketing system, thereby having a chance to popularize its products easily through websites or online advertising. Moreover, it can sell goods online by getting customers to click on affiliate links to visit its websites.
However, you have to find out a right way and process and at least own some background marketing knowledge to make online money from these forms of trading. Or, if you want simpler ways, you can go for some marketing tools.
Speaking of this, I bet that you are no longer unfamiliar with Instant Cash Solution – a tool created to offer some functions to help people get money through copy and pasting existing ads. After all, it has been all over the review site for a while, and have raised some conflicts among marketers as some stated that this tool is useful while some said that is likely to be a scam or rob your money.
And this is the reason why I write My Instant Cash Solution Review to give you a clear insight into it.
So, let’s follow my article to satisfy your curiosity!
Instant Cash Solution Review- Overview
- Vendor: Rich Meyer
- Product: Instant Cash Solution (ICS)
- Category: Done for you product system
- Price: $100 – $500
What Is Instant Cash Solution?
Instant Cash Solution is a done-for-you product system. It is invented to help you earn money from online ads by copying and paste pre-written ads and testing ads on sites like Craigslist and Facebook. Besides, you have to be issued with your own unique affiliate links. Once customers click your link and buy products, you will earn a commission.
You might think that this process seems like a form of affiliate marketing. Yes, that’s right! But there is a little difference. In affiliate marketing, you will earn money when you make a sale of a product or service of vendors through your affiliate link.
The vendor has claimed that this method does not require any intensive experience or skills, so you can start from scratch and wait to see your pocket fill up with money. However, it is still doubtful because as you know if you want to be successful, you have to work hard!
Although you may think it is odd when you see the claim that you can effortlessly earn money in a short time, it is still possible to create money by using that kind of system. This means that whether you can exploit features offered by Instant Cash Solution, it significantly relies on your experience and skills in boosting things online.
Are you wondering if Instant Cash Solution is a scam or not? Actually, the answer somewhat depends on the niche you are working in as well as the circumstance under which you use the tool.
Membership Areas
Instant Cash Solution offers you 4 levels of memberships. Let My Instant Cash Solution introduce them to you:
- Bronze ($100)
- Silver ($200)
- Gold ($300)
- Platinum ($500)
There is a rise in the price of each level because of the different number of features that come along with them. For the Bronze membership, you will experience the tool and resources that less valuable than the others. Plus, the commission per sale you get also smaller.
So, what you will get once join in the three first membership levels is that you can make use of basic tools and training. Moreover, you can have a done-for-your replicated website, Facebook or ad networks.
More interestingly, the platinum level is a combination of the bronze, silver and gold packages. So, there is a $100 discount if you get the platinum instead of paying $600 for the other three.
Now, My Instant Cash Solution will go into details of each membership package.
The Bronze membership:
- Pre-written ads
- Classified ad headlines
- Email swipes
- Classified advertising training course
- Instant Cash Solution(ISC) marketing system (capture page and auto responder emails)
- ICS members areas (training and marketing resources)
- Personal ICS website(hosting included)
- ICS quick-start action plan
- The Silver membership level: all of the Bronze’s features as well as:
- Available Facebook image ads for Facebook ad campaigns
- 24-7 ICS Sizzle call
- ICS banner ads
- Pre-written ICS SMS text messages
- Resell rights to both Silver and Bronze Membership
- The Gold membership level: all of the features of the Silver package plus:
- Facebook marketing training
- Craigslist training
- ISC training video library(online marketing training videos)
- 24-7 ISC webinar that explainS and sell this program
- E-book library
- Resell Rights to all ICS memberships(Bronze, Silver and Gold)
How Does It Work?
Before joining Instant Cash Solution, you have to ensure that you meet the following criteria:
- An account suitable for processor or Paypal account
- Internet connection
- Free time for working every day (at least 20 minutes)
- If you have satisfied all of these above things, you will prepare to follow the below procedure including only 3 simple steps:
- Purchase one of four membership levels
- Copy and paste ads on different social media sites with your unique affiliate link
- Monitor your link. If your sites are visited through your link, you get commissions.
Pros And Cons
So far, I am still dealing with figuring out the advantages of Instant Cash Solution. I think that there are only three good things about this program.
A legit method to make money online
Real owner: The website is set up and secured by a real person
Sizable earnings: For those who are able to deeply understand the way to take advantage of this business opportunity effectively, this website can make a sizable profit for you.
An Unsustainable Business Model
As Instant Cash Solution does not offer any real products, it is hard to get people to buy into it. In fact, customers are likely to run away from products that force them to bring in recruits. So, if you cannot approach any customers, how can you get them to become recruits to get money from them?
Moreover, there is not any instructions show you the way to build a sustainable business in the training offered. That means you cannot get any necessary knowledge or skills for generating a new website or sale strategies, you will own nothing.
Expensive Method
What we can get from Instant Cash Solution does not really pay off because its price costs an arm and a leg. You have to pay $100-$500 per month just for using basic resources. Comparing it with other cheaper resources and training out there, you can see that it is risky to invest in it.
Moreover, to truly get money from Instant Cash Solution, at least you have to not be a newbie. As being a newbie, you will not know how to target potential customers who can give you high profits. Moreover, to get master this side, you have to get a lot of experience and spend a lot of time as well as money on working Internet marketing.
Therefore, it is not a worthwhile program to join in because you may be driven to get no return or even a negative one.
Pay To Play Affiliate Program
If you want to use an affiliate program that Instant Cash Solution offers, you have to charge for at least one of its four packages to speed up your commission. That’s why it is called a pay-to-play affiliate program.
With that charge, you will be taught to promote the system itself. However, you can only apply the knowledge for Instant Cash Solution, not anywhere else because this affiliate program does not use a popular system. Therefore, the value of this affiliate program is not true.
Plus, it is illogical that you have to pay the full price to become a qualified member who can make 100% commission per sale.
What’s more? Using this program makes other companies such as Mode have a negative view on the website.
No Refund Policy
Instant Cash Solution does not offer a refund policy. This is quite risky and challenging to join in it. Because there is nothing guaranteeing that you can make anything with the program, you should take it into consideration before purchasing it.
Posting Ads on Social Media is Not Easy
Spams and advertisements seem not to be approved by social media platforms. This means that materials with spammy content are hard to enter social media.
If you intend to take advantage of Facebook where ads are definitely allowed, you will give up soon. Why? Because there are tons of people who do like you, so your ads for Instant Cash Solution will be disappeared immediately.
Unfortunately, Facebook now becomes stricter with ads. In fact, Facebook does not allow affiliate links to appear on it. Once Facebook users consider your ads as spam and report them, then you know what will happen already, right? Your ads will be dismissed from Facebook.
Personal Evaluation
At the first time that you have heard about Instant Cash Solution, it may come to your mind that you will quickly become rich at ease. Just stay at home and do some copying and pasting, and then waiting for money pouring into your pocket.
However, if you believe it, you will be frustrated soon. Because this program does not provide real potential through its features. Although it still offers training courses in marketing, they are not effective while being applied in other programs.
Moreover, although Instant Cash Solution is a legit method to make money online, the disadvantages of the program outweigh its benefits. This will limit your potential if you are an experienced internet marketer. Moreover, it drives you to suffer risks that you cannot get your return.
After all, this program does not give you a helping hand but let you face with a risky situation and even lose your money.
Let’s Wrap It Up!
To the best of my knowledge, making money online requires your patience and consistency. Plus, you have to work hard and acquire solid Internet marketing to have a clear insight into it. It seems to be tough for you to earn a lot of money just by copying and pasting pre-written ads.
Because of both advantages and drawbacks that Instant Cash Solution brings to users, my review aims to help you know about this tool deeply, not call for your actions to buy it.
Plus, if you intend to purchase Instant Cash Solution, you should consider it carefully even do some extra research on it My Instant Cash Solution still can help you in this case.
I have just showed you my unbiased view on Instant Cash Solution. I am pleased to help you get more major information about the program. So, whatever decision you make, I hope you succeed in your online venture.
Finally, thank you for reading my Instant Cash Solution. Goodbye!